Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Book Review x Queen-a-Bella from Brainy Connections

Love reading books? If you’d asked me to… then, I would lie if I tell you I do. Although I’m a not a book geek as expected, I am happy to inform you that my son didn’t just inherit that way. He loves books as much as I don’t. For sure, you’d asked me if how I had known it. I received books courtesy of OMF Literature from winning in their facebook and twitter contest. Glad that the book they gave to me are for kids. There, my son was so happy seeing those books and he always (technically, not read it since he still 2 y/o though) scan it and see those pictures in it.

Meanwhile, I received an invitation to check out a book which is produced by Brainy Connections. Actually I don’t have any idea about their site but if you’re a parent (just like me), sure this site is perfect for you especially if you’re a new to parenting hood.

I received a book which has a title of Queen-a-Bella Finds a Best Friend- authored by Lisl Fair. This is something your kids would definitely love. It’s a simple story where even those not a fan of books would love to read. It’s more on images which made it very friendly to kids and kids-at-hearts as well. Aside from that, there are values one can learn out of reading this book.

The story talks about how one finds her best friend despite of their differences. Meet Queen-a-Bella, the fluffy rabbit in her favorite red tutu and follow her on her quest to find a best friend.

Want to get a copy? It’s out now at amazon, for the link visit them at http://www.amazon.com/dp/B009GK36B0/.

You could also get a copy of book activities for free! How? Simple! Be a fan of Brainy Connections in facebook to know more about it!

Brainy Connections
Website: http://www.BrainyConnections.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/BrainyConnections

Monday, October 8, 2012

Guide Your Kids Accordingly rather than Sorry

I just saw this post and it shocked me. I guess you do too. (Read the image below)

Things like this happen because of parents’ or let’s just say guardians’ carelessness towards their kids. When I read this news, what ran in my mind was to keep my attention to my kids whenever they play especially with my eldest one who is really harsh in terms of revenge thing.  He always makes our younger brother cry. That’s why every time they play, I always make sure that those things that may cause such the image above are far from them and can NEVER be reached by them.

Aside from that, I also make sure baby M is away from them whenever they play since I’m afraid that accidents such this will happen to us. I don’t know what to do if ever. But nevertheless, this incident will never happen if I’ll be careful in taking care of them at the same time my full attention is with them.

So to parents and guardians out there, please guide your children accordingly especially if they are at the stage of curiosity…  Perhaps, let’s do actions with them rather than sorry.