It’s been a long hiatus, huh? Glad I was able to update this
back again! Anyway, for my welcome back post, I’ve decided to come up with an
idea on how to deal with some common dilemmas mostly parents and kids
experience every first day of school.
Since the opening of the class is fast approaching except
for the public schools because they have just successfully opened the School
Year 2014-2015 today, I thought of sharing to you some of the ways on how to
deal with the common scenarios we often experience during the first day of
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The Common Dilemmas
Talking about common dilemmas, sure you too have your own
experiences about it particularly those parents whose kids have gone to school
for years now. For those parents who just sent their kids in school for the
first time ever, this is one of the challenging experiences you’ll ever experience
- Cry baby when you leave them
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It’s very common to kids who are first timers in school. Although not really all kids do such thing but mostly, they are. How to deal with it is that simply introduce to them what is school, how it looks like, and what does it compose of. Don’t forget as well of telling them the purpose of going to school. Doing so should be done before the school starts. It may not be that easy, but telling them will lessen the fear they will have in mind. This also to make your life get easier.
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This one is very common to public schools. Although not really to private schools, perhaps, this is still a common dilemma mostly parents experience always every first day of school. In order to avoid it, you can check your kids’ names before the first day of school starts. Teachers, just like parents, don’t want to be hassled by this common scenario too. Thus, they always make a way to lessen its severity by posting the list of the class’ names beforehand.
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It’s first day of school and perhaps, leaving your kids alone in the school particularly those parents who are new to leaving their kids behind could give you doubt if should you do it or not. For this problem, the only solution to it is that to inform the teacher to not allow your child to leave the classroom alone. Let the teacher be informed of who is possible to fetch your child later on. In this way, you can definitely make sure of the security of your child.
It’s back to school again and sure enough that a lot of vendors are going to tempt your kids and so as you too. However, one should keep in mind that danger could possibly arise during this time due to the fact that a lot of parents and kids are expected to come to school that day. Thus, it’s better to let your kids bring their own pack lunch and snacks for safety purposes.
- Bringing of your other kids (younger than the student)
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During first day of school, it’s very common to public schools to get crowded because of finding the names of the students. In this case, never ever bring any kids younger than the students. They could be lost anytime especially if there are many people are expected to come. This is to avoid possible problem that could happen. And so as to settle your student earlier as expected.
Looking for ways on how to handle such dilemmas is really
important especially if you’re new to it. This is to help you prevent of the
possible scenarios that could happen.
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